Know Before You Go

The Know Before You Go campaign is an ongoing initiative from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office with over 400 travel industry partners to help Brits stay safe and healthy abroad. The campaign was launched in 2001 to promote several key messages and uses many methods of reaching the British public, including travel advice, mini campaigns, public advertisement, and publications.


'Know Before You Go' Messages

The campaign has several key messages, all of which aim to address the problems that British nationals often face abroad. The principal messages are:

'Know Before You Go' Target Groups

Particular types of travellers tend to experience unique problems. In order to tackle the varying problems associated with different groups, the Know Before You Go Campaign targets several specific groups of travellers:

'Know Before You Go' Mini Campaigns

The campaign also uses specific mini-campaigns in order to effectively address the problems experienced by certain groups of travellers. Recent KBYG mini-campaigns include:

'Know Before You Go' Publications

In order to support the work that the mini-campaigns carry out, several publications have been produced to inform British nationals of the situations that could arise whilst abroad, and what the Foreign and Commonwealth Office can do for them if problems arise. These publications include:



External links